Perfect the checkout experience and make social selling

Checkout without logging in and greatly reduces cart abandonment

What is Checkout on Messenger?

Me.Help will respond to shoppers' comments and automatically start the order process in Facebook Messenger

  • There is no need to register nor log in during checkout
  • Shopper do not need to enter order information to make a second order
  • One-click shopping is smooth, greatly reducing the abandonment rate

Shoppers prefer to place orders through social media rather than websites

71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference.

Some merchants use Google Sheets

Most small merchants advertise their products through social media. They may only have a company website or even no website. They mainly receive orders on social media. After receiving the orders, they have to manually record them in Google Sheets and manage the orders there.

Shopify / WooCommerce Stores

They allow placing orders through websites. Yet, shoppers found this way of placing orders troublesome and full of hassles. They have to register or login during checkout. They found the process complicated.

Shoppers can place orders in seconds!

Perfect the Checkout Experience!

Reasons for Checkout Abandonment

Forced Account Creation


Complex Checkout


Website Crashes


User Testimonials



“...試用過很多電商平台,最終體會到社交媒體除了可以有最忠誠的客戶,運用,客戶可以更快速在 Messenger 結帳,還能大大減少客戶棄單。”

JP 日本時裝速遞


“...我由低成本開始經營社交媒體專頁,一路上 的團隊不斷陪伴我,教我推廣、測試市場反應及銷售的致勝策略,真的很感謝。”

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